+420 774 434 360


September 26 2011

We invite you to the Lively City festival that will be taking place from September 27 to October 4 in Prague 6. You really should not miss the screenings of Radiant City (September 28 in NTK) and Squat 69 (September 30 in Klubovna) films as Titulková participated in bringing them to you!

September 18 2011

Come to see the presentation of Titulkování.cz during a MASHUP in the Hub on September 22.

August 22 2011

Two news at once: we have simplified and lowered our prices and we are building a database of translaters (if you are freelancing as a translator, contacts us).

August 9 2011

We are now fully prepared to subtitle and edit anything: from a holiday video and advertisement spot to a CEO keynote. We will present Titulkování.cz during a MASHUP in the Hub. More news to follow!

June 1 2011

Titulkování.cz is slowly phasing out of testing and is coming to life! More news soon!

April 1 2011

On April Fools day, a very unfoolish project Titulkování.cz has started. Titulkování.cz is mainly about cheap subtitling and video-editing services. We would like to offer our services mainly to NGOs and other noble causes, because we enjoy this work and because we are close to the non-profit sector. The projects just started, so lots of details are likely to change. Do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail! We look forward to working with you soon. Your Titulkování.cz team.
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